Thursday, 19 January 2012

Blog Awards!

Hey ladies!

I mentioned yesterday that Story of Simderella was nominated for The Liebster Award! How exciting the award is for new bloggers with less than 200 followers. I was given this treasure by Lipgloss Lily who you can see here! Be sure to check her out for the latest beauty industry goss, her latest purchases and for a good read!

If you receive an award here is what you have to do  -

1. Thank your Liebster Blog Award presenter on your blog
2. Link back to the blogger who awarded/nominated you
3. Copy and paste the blog award to your blog 
4. Reveal your top 5 blog picks!!
5. Drop by your top 5 picks and let them know you chose them by commenting on their blog!

Here are my to 5 blogs at the moment in no order! I'm not going to give them a description just to make sure that you check all of them out. They are 5 exciting blogs with extremely interesting posts! Well done ladies and keep up the hard work and fab posts!!

I would like to thank Lily for giving me the award and thank you to my followers and readers (new and exisiting)! Blogging wouldn't be the same without your comments and lovely feed back. 

This award has put my blogging mojo back in to full swing and here is what you'll find coming up on Simderella soon!
  • Interview Nails
  • What's in my make up box (yes it's a box)
  • Newspaper Nails
  • My Make up Wish list
  • How to fix a gloopy polish 
Ciao for now! xx 

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