Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Guess who's back!

Hello!! I have been pretty absent on here over the last week and before jumping straight in with one of the posts I have planned I thought I would update you all on what I've been doing!!

  • I have celebrated THREE birthdays
  • That means I have eaten three lots of cake (Plus one cake for graduating)
  • Been to three birthday celebrations

  • I graduated! Hooray and congratulations to everyone else who was the Class of 2011.

Graduation Cake
  • I've started a new internship which means getting back in to the swing of early morning commutes, fighting for a tiny space on the tube and taking home a free evening standard because you feel sorry for the guys giving them out. 
  • However, I'm not complaining because I get to walk past this everyday.....

Vogue House - Hanover Square
I'm hoping from tomorrow Story of Simderella will be back in full swing, so see you then!!

What have you all been up to recently?


  1. Can never have enough cake haha. Congrats on graduation! xo

  2. Congratulations on graduating!

  3. Congratulations on your graduation and good luck with your internship!

    The doll on fashion
