Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Midweek Reassurance...

It's Wednesday hooray! You shouldn't wish your life away but there are only 48 hours left in (nearly) everyone's working week! 

In case you're looking for some reassurance, Simderella has got it all for you right here in this blog post...

It's Okay.......
  • To play Christmas music in the office already, we are only 7 weeks and 3 days away!
  • To see the same people on the train/ underground everyday and clearly ignore them and act as if you have never seen them ever before. Jeez louise no one cracks a smile in the big LDN*
  • To take an Evening Standard home everyday just because you feel sorry for the guys standing in the cold handing them out. The quicker they get rid of their newspaper piles the quicker they get to go home right?
  • To feel exhausted on a Tuesday morning after ONE WHOLE DAY at work. Caffeine help us for the rest of the week.
  • To admit that you were once obsessed with Kim Kardashian but after hearing about her divorce, seeing her throw a bridzilla fit during her wedding and wear a million dollar ring (does she know that there is a recession and people are going hungry in Africa?). She has not only gone down in TV ratings but in my top 5 ladies list.
  • It okay if the picture below is just a picture,my favourite animal is the elephant! (they live up to 70 years and have the largest brain in the animal kingdom. Believe me now?)
  • Lastly, not knowing that the Twinnings Earl Grey tea range has a citrusy aroma: Light, fragrant and with a distinctive bergamot flavour. Thought tea was tea (cringe)
Happy Wednesday people!! 48 hours till the weekend.....not that we should wish our lives away or anything.


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