Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Wednesday Waffle & why I've just signed up for Glossybox!

  • I want to be able to make the perfect shortbread and chewy biscuit before 2012...Jeez louise that gives me 25 days! I'll keep you posted how this goes. 
  • I'm excited to make Christmas hampers. I've found some really yummy recipes all over the internet to make some treats to put in them one being for Reese's! 
  • I don't know what I want to do with my life so I'm hoping the New Year brings some clarity
  • Being a clean freak I get an unhealthy satisfaction out of cleaning my make up brushes and will be posting about it soon.
  • My views on Christmas shopping are in line with the Argos advert. Why get so cray cray people. Mooch about in stores for inspiration, skip the queues and order/reserve online!
  • You know it's cold outside when you have to sleep with layers of moisturiser on your face to ensure your skin has a speedy recovery from dry patches.
  • Am I the only one who has a double bed but still sleeps on one side of it? 
  • Last but not least, I've ordered my first Glossybox!!! Stylist had a fab discount code last week and after reading over on their Facebook page that their Christmas box is going to be their best yet I couldn't resist. I'm excited to see what I get in it and I hope it is worthwhile. I really like the idea of beauty boxes as you get to try out loads of different products you wouldn't normally purchase. Many people think that they shouldn't be charging for 'samples' as you can get them free at beauty counters. Hello people we're in a recession it's extremely difficult to get a free glass of lemonade on short haul flights let alone getting a free sample at a beauty counter. I'm a sucker for pretty things and if all else fails the beautiful box can be reused to organise my make up! 
Has anyone else signed up to the December Glossybox?



  1. wish I'd known about the discount code! I'm tempted to try Glossybox - looking forward to your review!

  2. GlossyBox is so cool. :)

